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Acryl, Watercolor,
Graphics, Didital; Body Painting

Art classes for Kids&Adults

Bio, CV, Artist Statemet, Exibitions&Events

Kunst Workshops,
und aneren Dienstleistungen

Customised wall painting for Privat or Kommertial objects

Kunst Hilfe für geflüchtete Kinder und Künstler
Арт-помощь детям-беженцам и художникам беженцам - арт-проект украинской художницы Надии Панковой, стартовавший 10 марта 2022 года в Эрлангене и чуть позже в Нюрнберге.
Kunst Hilfe für geflüchtete Kinder und Künstler ist ein Kunstprojekt der Nadiya Pankova, das am 10. März 2022 in Erlangen und wenig später in Nürnberg startetete.
I'm Nadiya Pankova, an artist hailing from Ukraine, with a knack for design, curation, and teaching. Nestled in Nuremberg, my studio serves as the hub for shipping artworks of all shapes and sizes, ranging from delicate miniatures to expansive canvases. Crafting each piece involves a symphony of acrylics, structural pastes, recycled materials, and remnants of dried paint, lending them a distinct character and dimensionality. While every creation is unique, I'm also happy to accommodate custom orders upon request.
Peruse my collection and discover an array of handcrafted Christmas decorations, infused with a sprinkle of seasonal magic. Embrace the opportunity for customization, tailoring these ornaments to your individual style and infusing your home with a touch of festive charm. And if digital art strikes your fancy, explore our selection of illustrations and vector portraits, meticulously crafted with a blend of passion and precision. At the core of my artistry lies a fusion of art and psychology, where hues and contrasts serve as the palette through which the mind speaks.
Thank you for gracing our virtual doorstep. May our creations ignite joy and inspiration in your heart!

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